Friday, 24 September 2010

Why do your customers buy (or not) from you..?

Do you have customers already ?

If so, have you carried out a 'customer experience' review ?

This is where you contact people on your database who either are clients, or at least you have quoted for some work for them.

The ones who are clients should be asked what made they buy from you...simple but VERY powerful question. You may be surprised at the answer.

The ones who are not clients should be asked why they did not buy from you..again simple but vital.

You get to know whats good/bad about your business and your clients get to feel valued by you, and the non-clients value your question just as much.

This kind of project will grow your business, and is much cheaper than advertising for new business !

We have carried out these projects for many companies, and the results are startling...but clients and non clients alike really appreciate the call.

We often wrap it up in a 'Customer Experience' package which can include database cleansing...

When customers feel that they are being listened to, they can become your greatest advocate...and never need paying !


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