I have been carrying out some research on new car dealerships here in the Thames Valley, and would be interested to hear if my findings are replicated UK wide.
It began because I had a new idea about how dealerships could sell more cars, so i found the name of some Sales Managers at local high end dealerships and phoned them.
Quite often they were out or unavailable, so I left a message for them to call me, leaving only my name and phone number, not my company name.
The problem is that very few (10-20%) ever called me back.
My point is :
1) The SM's didn't know I was trying to sell to them, as far as they know, I am looking to buy a BMW/Mercedes etc
2) Are their sales figures THAT good that they dont need to get new business ?
3) The message taking at these companies cannot be that bad
4) What on earth are they doing all day if they cannot call back a potential buyer ?
When I gently point out my findings to the Dealer Principal or SM himself, they deny that it could possible happen as they pride themselves on their service !
How many sales are these people missing out on ??
And all this before I even talk to them about how to improve sales by just doing better database management of their existing clients and contacts !
I am convinced I could increase vehicle sales of executive brands by 5 - 10 per month with some very simple, basic steps.
Rant over !
What are your experiences or suggestions ?